Wednesday 27 February 2008


Now I have to show a sign of life from me. I don't know if the news have made it to you, but here in England it's quite a topic (BBC): there was an earthquake yesterday night, even with a 5.3 on the Richter scale and I survived without mental or physical damages (which is certainly the good news).

It was quite an interesting experience to first see the water in the bottle next to my bed move. Then I didn't think it was special because it always does this when somebody lets a door fall shut anywhere in the house. But when my bed started shaking I slightly doubted it.

This morning I learned that it really was an earthquake. Seems like nothing too bad happened, apart from some knocked-down chimneys. After all, the city looked the same as it did yesterday.

That gives me the opportunity to present a before-and-after-picture of Alan Road (just one picture, because after the earthquake it still looks the same as before). And who knows me and my pictures from Australia can tell that it is only genuine with a sunset.

Alan Road before and after

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